Zelyonye Listya Innovative Agro-complex About Project Project Characteristics Innovation Development Social Influence Project Significance Project Significance on Federal Level
Zelyonye Listya - Main - News 11.07.2013 Zelyonye Listya Company promotes agricultural development on Primorsky territory Un Bon Son, General director and Choi Chgun Ho, deputy of director of Hundai Mihailovka Agro visited Zelyonye Listya Company In the course of the meeting, Victor Marchenko told about “Innovative Agro-Industrial Biotechnological Complex Zelyonye Listya. A speshial interest was due to the elevator which will be built in the network of the project.
Hundai Mihailovka Agro also plans to built an elevator for maize and soya. In the future companies may collaborate in projection of elevator because Zelyonye Listya Group of Companies has their own projection institute.